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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Jevons Effect!

At Conferma we are always eulogising about the efficiencies and benefits our systems deliver to the corporate T&E industry. Improve your operations, use superior processes, reduce costs, reduce man hours, eliminate paper based processes and overcome the nightmare that is billback! These are just some of the benefits we tell the industry and anyone else who will listen to us.

What are the implications of these benefits you ask? Will we need fewer staff, can we process more customers, win new business? The answer is simple, about two hundred years ago a leading economist named William Jevons observed that increasing the efficiency with which a resource is used increases the rate of consumption.

In other words as your staff (human resources) adopt Conferma’s solutions they will suddenly be able to achieve more today than they could yesterday. Ultimately, the capacity of your team will increase as workflows are improved.

So where is this all going? The answer is simple, despite all our eulogies, many within the industry are still struggling to make efficiencies in the workplace, especially when it comes to hotel billback. Time after time I read numerous articles and blogs full of people wishing for an alternative to billback. Haven’t they heard? Didn’t they listen? Conferma overcame the problem of billback years ago. Probably about the same time, William Jevons was writing his notes up...

Taking billback as an example, this process is notoriously time-consuming as bookings and invoices have to be matched manually. In many cases, data is incomplete, delayed in arrival and can expose clients to a credit risk. Put simply the challenge is to match invoices with back office data.

Conferma have designed a solution that overcomes this problem using virtual card technology to gather and match booking and billing data and then pass this reconciled data to the correct parties involved.

This gathering and matching of data means frontline staff do not have to print off numerous documents or repeatedly enter the same data to make a booking. It is all done for them by Conferma powered technology. Additionally the automated reconciliation of data removes the tedious process of chasing up outstanding invoices.

Now you have learnt a little bit more, why not contact Conferma to see what we can do for you.